Monday, January 21, 2013

One bunny plus one more bunny equals............ a bunny population explosion at our house!!!!

Remember the bunnies that I got for Mother's Day from my family??
                                Well, one was a girl.......

........and the other one was a boy.

And all of a sudden, there were baby bunnies everywhere!!!

There have been three litters born to this set of parents in a three month period of time.  
Who knew they could have a litter once a month???

                     We have given baby bunnies away to a few people in Blanding.
      And we have hauled some to Utah Valley and given them away there.

Our 2 rabbits turned into 22 rabbits.  They have been cute and we have loved them but the daddy rabbit has now been neutered.  Hopefully we have curtailed the rabbit population explosion at our house!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we love the parties....

                          and the songs that we sing.......

                                 and the games we play...................

 ........and the anticipation on the face of the kids that we love!!!!

         We love to watch as they open gifts.........
    and watch as they model their new Christmas jammies from Grandpa and Grandma.


     and the happy smiles on Christmas morning.

and as the craziness of gifts, parties and singing are over.........

 We take time to remember the birth of the baby Jesus and His life, His teachings and all that our Savior did for us.  We love this time of year.