Friday, May 29, 2009

Colorado Cabin X 2

What could be better than spending time in the beautiful mountains of Colorado?  We went there twice last week.  First of all on Thursday we took the 4 wheelers out so they would be there when Jeremy and Heather and their friends came on Friday.  We ended up spending a few hours moving cows that had just been shipped there.  They needed to be taken from the corral to the pasture.  It was a lot of fun.  

And then we went back on Sunday evening and had fun with Jeremy and Heather and Livvy and Cohen overnight and the next morning.  

Time to go home:(  We all had fun!!!


Eaglehavenwest said...

I happened across your blog when I was checking on my kids blogs. What a great way of keeping up with families. Hard to believe yours is getting so big!! Thanks for the Post. I love all the nature pictures.

Heats said...

I can't thank you enough for all your help down there. Especiallly the 'coming the day before to clean-up before we got there' part. You are amazing. The food, the clean-up, being fun grandparents and loving my kids and best of all the 4-wheelers! I couldn't have better in-laws than you!

Jenn C. said...

It looks beautiful up there! Brings back lots of fun memories. I was telling my kids about how you used to put up with Mike and I every summer and let us stay at your house and then arrange for us to go to Colorado. I just want to say thank you again. What a sacrifice you made for us and we will never forget it.